Saturday, December 5, 2009

The limit.

It occurred to me today while I polished my cane after a lovely session that I am intoxicated by the limits of my own ability.

I enjoy pushing limits with my submissives. If you come to me firm in your mind that I will not somehow coax you to taste your own, shall we say, excitement, or that you will come to love the biting of the crop, time with me will prove you wrong. I do not call myself a Siren for nothing. You will be broken on the peaks of my desire.

I will not pretend that I was born into this. I have carefully sculpted myself over the years, though I always had a sense that I was different. When I first began to play, the high of domination often scared me as much as it intoxicated me. Like the first sip of hard liquor. Oh, I am going to love this, as it rushes through my blood.

I really love top-space. I love when I am connected to my target and my target is humming with endorphins, and I can push the limits.

1 comment:

Photog said...

Yes Mistress, I believe the ability to connect with her target is what differentiates the elite Mistress from those that simply go through the motions.